13 November 2013
Time For Christmas Tree Shopping with CDHM Artisan Bertie's Dollhouse Miniatures (Bertie Pittman), IGMA Artisan

14 May 2013
Miracle Chicken: The Time Machine in Dollhouse Miniature Scale
In the 1960 movie "The Time Machine" with Rod Taylor, he was given a scale model of the real time machine, in a beautiful tantalus box. I was recently commissioned to make a scale model of the scale model! It was quite the mental workout. But it was alot of fun and I got to work with lots of different materials.
Here is the little time machine, made of pear and walnut wood and brass. The tiny seat has turned legs, and I got to turn brass for the gizmo that hooks to the screen behind the seat.
Visit CDHM Artisan Linda Master IGMA Fellow of Miracle Chicken Miniatures' links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/miraclechicken
Website: www.miraclechickenminiatures.com
Blog: miraclechicken.blogspot.com
eBay: www.ebay.com/sch/merchant/artist_697_miraclechicken
Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/miraclechicken
Pinterest: pinterest.com/miraclechicken
Twitter: twitter.com/ChickenMiracle
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
09 May 2013
1:12 Parfait and Sweets with CDHM Artisan Robin Brady-Boxwell of Crown Jewel Miniatures
NEW WORK: CDHM Artisan Robin Brady-Boxwell of Crown Jewel Miniatures has created 1:12 Parfait and Sweets
Visit CDHM Artisan Robin Brady-Boxwell of Crown Jewel Miniatures' links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/crownjewelminiatures
Website: www.crownjewelminiatures.com
Blog: crownjewelminiatures.com/blog/
eBay: www.ebay.com/sch/crown_jewel_miniatures
Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/CrownJewelMiniatures
Facebook: www.facebook.com/CrownJewelMiniatures
Twitter: twitter.com/CrownJewelMinis
07 May 2013
1:12 Kitchen by CDHM Artisan Elizabeth LePla of ELF Miniatures
Visit Elizabeth LePla of ELF Miniatureshand links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/elfminiatures
Website: www.elfminiatures.co.uk
1:12 Raccoon by CDHM Artisan Camille Turner of Miniart Studio
Silk and a silk/yak blend with alpaca flocking. This creationg will become part of the July show at the Post Memorial Art Reference Library.
Visit Camille Turner of Miniart Studiohand links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/miniart
eBay: www.ebay.com/sch/akacammi/m.html
1:12 Carved Polar Bear by CDHM Artisan Linda Master IGMA Fellow of Miracle Chicken Miniatures
Adorable hand carved wood tiny polar bear. Measures just ¾" high. One of a kind, no two will ever be alike. A great gift for the bear collector, the miniature collector or even a 1:12 scale toy for the dollhouse! Linda's woodcarvings have been featured in several magazines.
Visit Linda Master IGMA Fellow of Miracle Chicken Miniatures links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/miraclechicken
Website: www.miraclechickenminiatures.com
eBay: wwww.ebay.com/sch/merchant/artist_697_miraclechicken
Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/miraclechicken
Pinterest: pinterest.com/miraclechicken
Twitter: twitter.com/ChickenMiracle
23 April 2013
Creating Pickled Vegetables: CDHM Artisan Linda Cummings, IGMA Fellow, of Lins Minis's Miniatures
CDHM Artisan Linda Cummings, IGMA Fellow, of Lins Minis's Miniatures has created a 1:12 Dollhouse Miniature Pickled Vegetables
Visit Linda Cummings, IGMA Fellow of Lins Minis links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/lindac5204
Website: www.linsminis.com
Blog: linsminis.blogspot.com
Etsy: www.linsminis.etsy.com
eBay: www.ebay.co.uk/sch/merchant/lindac5204
Facebook: facebook.com/linsminiartform
CDHM Artisan Kimberly Hofmaster of Kimmi Lou's Miniatures
NEW WORK: CDHM Artisan Kimberly Hofmaster of Kimmi Lou's Miniatures has created a 1:12 Circus Party prep board
Visit Kimberly Hofmaster of Kimmi Lou's Miniatures links:
CDHM Gallery: www.cdhm.org/user/kimberly
Blog: kimmilouminiatures.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/kimberly.longhofmaster
03 April 2013
Modern Furniture in 1:12 by CDHM Artisan Elizabeth LePla of ELF Miniatures
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
Past Works of CDHM Artisan CDHM Artisan Phyllis Morrow of PGM Sculpting
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
02 April 2013
NEW WORK by: CDHM Artisan Lucy Maloney of Designer Dog Miniatures
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
NEW WORK by CDHM Artisan Jackie Chaves of Bon AppetEats
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
NEW WORK by CDHM Artisan Jeannette Buchholz of Garden of Miniatures
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
NEW WORK by CDHM Artisan Deb Laraway Mackie, IGMA Artisan of White Horse Studio
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.
25 March 2013
Building a Castle in 1:24 with CDHM Artisan Tracy Topps of Minis On The Edge
We all love them, those tower masses called Castles. Over the centries castles have been build in all shapes and sizes. So since most of us cannot buy one of those tower homes today, lets join CDHM Artisan Tracy Topps of Minis On The Edge who will show us how to replicate a beautiful castle in miniature, using a dollhouse minaiture castle kit in 1:24 or half scale.
This particular kit features a moving gate, a double door that opens and closes, open-back design, tab/slot assembly, and measures 23 ¼"H x 17½"W x 12¾"D. Tracy finishes this castle using paperclay and paint bring life and realism to this kit.
Tracy has been building scaled miniatures for 16-years, specializing in dollhouses using paperclay. So if you have a yearning for one of these magical castles, you can contact Tracy by clicking any of the images to her CDHM gallery. There you will be able to click her contact access.
24 March 2013
Marketing with CDHM.org
Marketing is what drives a business. And a great business strategy without proper marketing will often fail in a highly competitive world. Be where the customers are looking. Join www.CDHM.org today.
22 March 2013
Children with Character by CDHM Artisan Mariarita Baldan of Minimariba Dolls
CDHM Artisan Mariarita Baldan of Minimariba Dolls creates these amazing dolls from polymer clay in 1:12 scale. Sculpting the characteristics and shaping into poses that are so natural to all children. Each doll is dressed, wigged, faced up to accentuate the life like qualities.
21 March 2013
Tiny Turnings by CDHM Artisan Bertie's Dollhouse Miniatures, IGMA Artisan
CDHM Artisan Bertie's Dollhouse Miniatures, IGMA Artisan creates delicate dollhouse miniatures on my wood lathe turned vessels and decorative dollhouse miniature accessories using natural woods, acrylics, stone, and other materials producing incredibly tiny vases, bowls, trees, cups, mortar & pestles and lidded vessels in 1:12, 1:24, and 1:48 scales.
20 March 2013
Roast Beef in 1:12 By CDHM Artisan Gosia Suchodolska of Moje Miniatury
Original Post:
Hello all new followers. So nice to see you here. It seems like yesterday I was so thrilled about having a hundred followers and look... almost two hundred today. Unbelievable. I guess I should think of a new giveaway to celebrate it.
Thank you so much for your comments. You're too kind :)))
I've been making beef roasts again. Would you believe I used to be a vegetarian? And from time to time I try to give up meat for some time. Still, it doesn't stop me from cooking meat for my family and from indulging in reading meat recipes to try out in future ;).....
Original Polish
Witam serdecznie wszystkich nowych obserwatorów. Miło Was spotkać :) Tak niedawno cieszyłam się z 100 obserwatorów, a tu zbliżam się do 200. Niesamowite :))) Zaczynam planować kolejne giveaway na tę okazję.
Bardzo dziękuję za wszystkie komentarze. Zawsze bardzo mnie cieszą.
Ostatnio znowu byłam, zajęta robieniem miniaturowych pieczeni. Uwierzylibyście, że kiedyś byłam wegetarianką? I od czasu do czasu organizuję sobie przerwy w jedzeniu mięsa, co nie powstrzymuje mnie wcale od buszowania po necie i księgarniach w poszukiwaniu ciekawych przepisów i zdjęć z mięsem w roli głównej....
www.CDHM.org Copyright 2004-2013 All rights reserved.